This lollipop look attractive as it has lots of colourful colours that is mixed well together. People of all ages will be attracted to it. Well of course, buying it in the end.

This bottle of coloured sand is also very attractive, just like the lollipop. People would like it too.

This keychain is just like the above two pictures. Colourful! But it mixes well. People usually call it "rainbow colour". It is one of the mixture of colour, most people in the world likes .

Now let's take a look at another example. The first thought that strucks your mind would be "you are not allowed to cross". But after staring at it, doesn't it reminds you of CHRISTMAS? Hohoho. The candy canes, and Santa Claus's costume!

So, I hereby conclude that colours ARE an important part of designing!
Designer usually uses these few groups of colours for,
-Neutral: To not attract too much attention. Example, the dustbin.
-Contrasting: toys. To attract more attention as children likes bright colours.
-Pastel: Usually we would paint these kind of colours on house's wall. We would'nt want to strain our eyesdo we? Go easy on them instead.
Commond stuff we teenagers usually have around us.
Firstly, let's talk about clothes.

In this picture, the clothes makes these two person look paired together. As both of them are striped and the colours is very contrasting, they attract lots of attention when walking side by side. (Some may think they are dressed up for the christmas seasons, haha!) Striped shirt makes you look fatter, so skinny people should wear striped shirt if they dont want to look too skinny.

This, as you can see, is also a striped shirt, just that it's in different colour. This colour is more dull, thus not attracting as much attention as the above. It can be worn by both girls and guys.

This shirt is just a normal shirt with pictures and words on it. "battle between THE GOOD AND EVIL" theres an angel and devil on it. It's very cute. The design is done very nicely, the colours goes well together. the cutting is for girls. Which means, it is only meant for girls.
Like the above, it is just a shirt with pictures and words. the words are in another language (Which I honesly don't know.) and there's a picture of a cat and a dog. Its very cute too! (Don't mind me for repeating every single phrase.) Both shirts are nice as the design on it are very adorable. Thus, attracting people to buy it. unisex shirt.
So what you wear is actually very important. The design must be good, as what you wear gives people an impression of how you are like. If you are always wearing bright coloured clothes, people will think you are someone cheerful. iIf you are always wearing dull coloured shirt, people wont think you are someone who is probably more to yourself. But someone who is "cool". So once again, I conclude, designs are important, so are the colours.
Now the accessories.
This necklace is a penguin (Pattern), the material used is not very stable, as it may break easily. But it does not really have parts which are long and thin as that way, it would be broken much much more easily. This design is very cute. (Pardon the repeat-ation.) The material used can be improved.

Moving on. This material is much better than the above design. It's not that breakable. This design is equally nice too. Both design are in black, but their chains are not the same colours. For this, it's silver. But it's black for the above. Both are nice, but it depends on the person's liking to see which is better.
For me, I'd prefer the top one as it's unique. You would probably see lots of people wearing the second one, but the first is one of a kind. But everyone has different taste. (Shrugs shoulders.) So our opinion would be different.
Moving on to bags now.
For bags, the first thing you will look at is the design and shape on it. For this, it's a tote bag, and its Puma brand. The colours are nice and simple. They mix well together. Red and white in colour.

Yes, as you can see, it's a Adidas sling bag. The colour is nice and simple too. Its size is just nice, not too big or too small. This is usually what students use for school. White and green in colour.

A Converse sling bag. The colour is nice and it's simple looking. It gives the glam look, as it's gold and white in colour. The size is also just nice for a student to use for school.

This is a shoe bag, for shoes. (Duh.) Its nikey, blue and black in colour. The colour goes well together. But the pattern on it is quite complicated, yet it is still nice. The army kind of look.

This doesn't look like a bag does it? Looks more like a toy bunny. It has been designed to look like a bunny, which is cute. With a little decorations here and there, the bag looks much more attractive and cute. People will tend to stare at it.
For the above design of bag, they are all quite successful. The colour, pattern, design are all very nice. The size are all just nice too. :D
The shoes now.
On the left- It looks very glam. Suitable for wearing to anywhere. You can wear a gown with this pair of slippers as the colours are suitable and the shape and cutting is suitable too.
On the right- It is suitable for movies, but anywhere more high-class, a definately no-no. As you would look funny. But it's okay for going to changi airport.

This pair of sandle is suitable for the movies. Retaurant and airports. As it does not look awful when you are at nicer places.

This is another option of shoes, it keeps your feet warm. Wearing these to movies or outing with lots of walking are the best!

This pair of slippers are best to be worn only for going downstair of your house to buy stuff. Wearing them out may look weird but it's okay as lots of people are doing that anyway.

This pair of CUTE slippers are only meant for HOME. I'm quite sure people won't want to wear them out. You will look like crazy. It's for home, to keep your feet clean and warm. They are very comfortable as they have sponge/cotton fluffs or some other things to make them soft. Just like walking with a cushion underneath your feet! But the surface are hard so that there s friction.
Shoes with different design are meant for different places. A high heel shoe will look best for a girl at a ballroom. Boots are not for balls but for places where you dress up and look your best. But there are another kind of boots which prevent your feet from getting wet in the rain. For guys, their black leather shoes which are shiny are the best as it looks nice. They can wear it to work, balls, anywhere. But that's for people who are starting to work. For teenagers or young adults, they would rather wear sneakers, or sports shoes.

Just like this.